
Our Door is Open, Our Table is Set — There is a Place for You Here!

Thank you for visiting the website of St. Lawrence Parish.  We invite you to join us at Mass!

If you are interested in joining the Parish, please contact the Parish Office at 262-644-5701, Ext. 2 or click on the "Join Us" tab. 

News and Events

Barbeque, Bible & Beer

Thursday, February 13, 7:00 PM

St. Lawrence Church Hall

Jason Pirkey of Turtle Coal

Winter Smoking/Lump Coal

                Bible:  Bishop Jeff Haines               

Ministry spotlight

St. Lawrence Strong Stewardship committee is looking for new members! Our mission is to cultivate a generous spirit of community involvement, commitment, and contribution to strengthen St. Lawrence Parish. The committee meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM for an hour. We plan ways to better welcome people to our parish, opportunities for adult spiritual growth, and community building fund raising events. If you are interested in helping St. Lawrence become a more vibrant parish, please attend the next St. Lawrence Strong meeting on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 6:30 PM in the Saint Joseph’s room. If you are unable to attend but would like to join the committee, contact Angie Cleary at (262) 224-0714. 



The next Christian Women meeting is Tuesday February 11 in the St. Joseph room.  We will be holding our annual baby shower all month long. Items may be dropped off in the crib in back of church during the month of February. As always, larger size diapers are most needed.

Click here to hear from our speaker, Kristin Bird, and learn more about the mission.  The website page also has a link to sign-up to help or you can call Kaylyn at 262-644-8083 x2211.

Leave a Legacy

Please remember St. Lawrence Parish in your estate planning.  For a brochure click here or contact the Parish Office at (262) 644-5701, ext. 2 for information on how you can remember our Parish through the          St. Lawrence Congregation Endowment Fund.

Quilts of Valor
We are compiling a list of service members or living veterans who served. If there is someone from our parish, either yourself or nominate someone, please click here for a Request Form as we would like to start presenting A Quilt of Valor® (QOV).  It is awarded to a Service Member or Veteran who has served our country with bravery, honor and dedication. The Quilt says unequivocally, “Thank you for your service and sacrifice in serving our nation.” St. Luke Sew Blessed Quilters of Slinger is grateful to have a group of women from surrounding churches that faithfully sew and make these beautiful quilts for our veterans. If there is anyone interested in joining them, you are more than welcome; please contact Donna Gross 262-707-5730. And if anyone is interested in helping the St. Luke Blessed Quilters defray costs for the Quilts of Valor for fabrics and supplies please place in the box marked Quilts of Valor or mailed to St. Luke Sew Blessed Quilters, 4860 Arthur Rd, Slinger, WI  53086.

Mass Times

Saturday: 4:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am
Tuesday 8:00am
Thursday 5:00pm




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Office Hours

Tuesday & Thursday: 8:30am - 4:00pm



  • Sun, Feb 16th

  • Sun, Feb 9th

Love One Another

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