Our Door is Open, Our Table is Set — There is a Place for You Here!
Thank you for visiting the website of St. Lawrence Parish. We invite you to join us at Mass!
If you are interested in joining the Parish, please contact the Parish Office at 262-644-5701, Ext. 2 or click on the "Join Us" tab.
News and Events
BROOKFIELD CONFERENCE CENTER , 325 S. Moorland Rd, Brookfield, WI
8:45 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Doors open at 7:00 a.m. | Mass of Anticipation at 4:00 p.m
$47/single ticket through October 25
$25/full-time student
For more information or to register, go to womenofchrist.net or
contact Mary Petri at 262-483-1005
Save the date!
Our annual chili dinner will be held on November 3. More details to follow.
How can I grow in Eucharistic devotion? Practically, what can I do?
First, simply tell Jesus that you want to spend more time with him in Eucharistic devotion. Ask him to help you do so.
Second, find a time in your schedule when you can stop by a parish to visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. It can be praying before the tabernacle in a church or in an Adoration chapel that has Perpetual Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Maybe you can make a quick visit for just a few minutes on your way to work or in between errands during the day. Maybe you can spend a longer period of time, such as a Holy Hour, once a week in his Eucharistic presence. Or perhaps you could go to a weekday Mass. Some Catholics even try to go to Mass every day.
Third, whenever you enter a church or chapel and are in the presence of the tabernacle containing the sacred Hosts, remember that you are entering holy ground. You are coming before Christ's Eucharistic Presence. God is there in the Blessed Sacrament. So take at least a moment to kneel in humble and reverent adoration before the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle (or before the monstrance if there is Exposition of the Eucharist). If you are only there for a few minutes, say a short prayer. You can simply tell Jesus you love him and that you are just stopping by to say a quick hello. If you have more time, you can incorporate the various kinds of prayer, including adoration (praising and worshipping Jesus for who he is as God), thanksgiving ( expressing gratitude for his many blessings), contrition (telling Jesus you are sorry for your sins), intercession (prayers for other people), and petition (prayers for your own needs) .You can also spend time in prayerful meditation on Scripture or another spiritual book. Or you can simply sit quietly in his holy Presence.
Behold the Lamb of God by Edward Sri ©2023 AscensionPress.com
For more information on the Eucharistic Revival: https://www.resurrectionallenton.org/eucharistic-revival
Leave a Legacy
Please remember St. Lawrence Parish in your estate planning. For a brochure click here or contact the Parish Office at (262) 644-5701, ext. 2 for information on how you can remember our Parish through the St. Lawrence Congregation Endowment Fund.
Mass Times
Sunday: 10:00am
Tuesday 8:00am
Thursday 5:00pm
- Sep 19 2024 5:00 pm - Weekday Mass
- Sep 21 2024 9:00 am - Confession
- Sep 21 2024 4:00 pm - Sunday Mass
Office Hours
- Very Rev. Richard Stoffel, Shared Pastor
- Rev. Russell Arnett, Shared Associate Pastor
- Rev. Mr. Robert Derks, Shared Deacon
- Nancy Pfeifer, Director of Administrative Services
- Kim Slizewski, Director of Formation
- Sandi Dhein, Child and Family Minister
- Addie Beck, Coordinator of Youth Ministry